Archives by Tag 'Slightly Foxed'
Slightly Foxed 11: A Private, Circumspect People
As the vast majority of my reading takes place on public transport of one form or another, I am mostly unperturbed by the prospect of tackling weighty books while surrounded by the inevitable distractions that ensue when there are Other People around. Nonetheless, when the mode of transportation in question is an aeroplane, it’s nice [...]
Review: ‘The Christmas Fox I: Ghost Writer’ by Tim Mackintosh-Smith
Title: The Christmas Fox I: Ghost Writer Author: Tim Mackintosh-Smith Published: Slightly Foxed, 2005, pp. 31. First edition Genre: Short story Blurb: Speaking via its ghost-writer, Tim Mackintosh-Smith, the Arabic manuscript of Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi tells its own true, if admittedly incredible, story. Set in medieval Cairo and Aleppo, seventeenth-century Oxford and 1960s London, it [...]