Archives by Tag 'Travel'

‘Through England on a Side-Saddle’ by Celia Fiennes

By oldenglishrose - Last updated: Friday, April 8, 2011

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m attempting to read more non-fiction this year, and so far I seem to be accomplishing most of that in the form of travelogues.  There’s something endlessly fascinating about seeing a place through the eyes of someone else, whether it’s somewhere I’ve been before, somewhere I know like the back of [...]

‘Dark Star Safari’ by Paul Theroux

By oldenglishrose - Last updated: Thursday, February 17, 2011

When I started out at university, the people I met instantly divided themselves into two groups: those who started conversations with the immortal phrase, “On my gap year…”  and those who didn’t.  The gap year people had inevitably spent at a goodly proportion of this year out of education travelling in Africa/South America/Asia, had quite [...]